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Concept of Hyperfocus vs. Object of Me

ADHD Torus Room 3


Response (ex-Rm2).  Define Hyperfocus.

Observation.  No entry in OED.  Wikipedia entry states:


  • Hyperfocus is an intense form of mental concentration or visualization that focuses consciousness on a subject, topic, or task….may also include daydreams, concepts, fiction, the imagination and other objects of the mind…can cause side-tracking away from assigned or important tasks.  Psychiatrically, it is considered to be a trait of ADHD together with inattention, and it has been proposed as a trait of other conditions, such as autism spectrum disorder.


Orientation. I have periods of deep concentration, usually when researching or writing.  Hyperfocus helps me complete important tasks.

Response.  What is the source of the Wikipedia definition of Hyperfocus?

Observation. The European Consensus Statement on Adult ADHD (EUCS). 

Observation.  This is for adults only. 

Response.  Download EUCS documents and find its full definition of Hyperfocus.  It is:


  • Patients may also over-concentrate or ‘hyperfocus’. This phenomenon most commonly occurs when engaged in activities that the patient finds very interesting and/or provide instant gratification, such as computer games or online chatting. For such activities, concentration may last for hours on end, in a very focused manner.


Orientation.  Instant gratification is not a factor for me.

Observation.  The setting for EUCS Hyperfocus is indoors.

Orientation.  My Hyperfocus experiences are both indoor and outdoor.  Indoor Hyperfocus applies to writing and online research.  Usually triggers with deadlines. Outdoor Hyperfocus is much more powerful and rewarding. 

Conclusion.  Significant inconsistencies between Concept (EUCS) and Object (me.)

Response.  Deconstruct EU ADHD components.

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